Hood's Corner
All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. - THOMAS JEFFERSON

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Second Ammendment

Gun control. To some, it means taking every gun, legal or not, off the streets and out of the hands of law abiding citizens. To me, it means using both hands. Here's my take.

What makes a criminal a criminal? A blatant disregard for rights and safety of others and for the rule of law. Advocates of gun control will have you believe that passing a bunch of new laws and stealing the rights of the rest of us will magically force criminals to lay down their arms and become model citizens. The very definition of a criminal precludes this notion. You can pass all the laws you want, but these born losers will continue to do what they know best...commit crimes. We have a thousand laws on the books already to try to deter these thugs. How's that workin out for us? Not so good.

Here's a few scenarios to consider...

Johnny Thugloser has just hit the streets after beating a drug charge on a technicality. Armed with the knowledge that the federal government has just ripped up the constitution and banned ALL gun ownership, he searches for his next victim. Of course he's packing heat and ready to use it. You walk right into this unfortunate situation unarmed and unequipped to fight back. When all is said and done, you've been pistol whipped, your wallets gone and your feeling of personal security is shattered, but you feel lucky to be alive. The good news...they caught the guy. He'll be spending the next six months in a minimum security resort for the habitual offender with cable TV and certainly better accommodations than he has on the streets. What a deterrent!!!!!!

At the same time, in bizzaro world, Jack Grannybeater is coming off a two year stint at Chino. This time the government comes to its senses and makes Concealed Carry licenses available all citizens that pass the required courses and background checks. Like Johnny, he looking for his first victim. He spots Billy Permitholder rounding the corner into an alley. This time the tables are turned. It seems Jack brought a knife to a gunfight and after demanding Billy's wallet at knife point, he's finds himself staring down the barrel of Billy's Glock 19. Billy seemed like your average guy...Khakis and a button-down shirt. Suddenly Jack is the one feeling lucky to be alive, although he could use a new pair of underpants. It's so hard to run like a sissy girl in urine-soaked clothes. Talk about a deterrent.

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