Hood's Corner
All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. - THOMAS JEFFERSON

Monday, December 10, 2007

Politcally Incorrect...and loving it!

The Constitution grants us as citizens many rights. Apparently, while no one was watching, one got added. It is the right to not be offended by anyone or anything. At least that's how it seems these days. You can't utter a single sentence in public anymore without having to worry who's listening and who's going to be offended. Evidently we have the freedom of speech, as long as everyone agrees. This new thinking has seaped into the very core of the media today. Don Imus got fired because he used a "racial slur". Maybe he did, and maybe that sort of backyard, insensitive sort of garage humor is what drew people to listen. Instead of letting the free market decide if he was worth listening to, the proverbial knee jerk of an entire nation swept him off the air like a feather in a hurricane. We as Americans have lost one of our most basic motor functions - turning the channel. If you don't like it, DON'T LISTEN. Seems so simple, doesn't it?

Political correctness WILL and already is destroying America. Schools have taken away competition, cause little Timmy might get his feelings hurt if he loses. We've forgotten how the pain of failure drive us towards greatness. "Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently." - Henry Ford. Feelings have gotten in the way of common sense for so long now that most of the time, we don't even notice anymore. Don't hire the most qualified person for the job, hire this guy cause he's a "minority". If the most qualified guy happens to be a minority, good for him. But in my book, hard work and sacrifice trumps the color of your skin or where you were born. Otherwise, we might as well elect Hillary Clinton already and become socialists. That's where we're headed if we don't wake up.

So this Christmas(holiday season) in my home, we will celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ(insert deity here) while we sing Christmas Carols(seasonal tunes). We will kiss(greet in an asexual manner) under the mistletoe as we sip eggnog(virgin, of course) by the fire(non carbon-emitting picture on recycled paper). Santa will be HO-HO-HOing(except in Australia) with Frosty in the North Pole(yep, it's still there, Al Gore) making toys(carbon offsets) for all the good(and/or behaviorally medicated) little boys and girls.


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