Hood's Corner
All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. - THOMAS JEFFERSON

Friday, August 8, 2008

Way to go, boys

I'm the first one to admit that both sides of the aisle are filled with leaders that have forgotten why we sent them to Washington. It's been a long time since any of us could honestly say we were proud of what was happening on Capitol Hill. This week is a little different. It seems the GOP may have finally awoken and found an issue with some teeth. A handful of "renegade republicans" have finally taken a stand against inaction. It makes me wonder how this current "mock" session of congress resembles the way it was in the beginning. Passionate politicians with a true mandate from their constituents giving speeches not in front of the bright lights and C-SPAN cameras, but in front of the people that sent them there in the first place. The American people. If nothing else, this week should give America hope. The people have spoken - DRILL HERE, DRILL NOW. It's the only solution that makes sense. And Washington, it seems, is finally starting to hear us.

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